Friday, December 19, 2008

The 3 Top Rules for Easy Writing

You can easily write just about any article, even an eBook, if you know what good writers know. All good writers know these 3 rules for writing about anything. It's the easy way to write.

Writing anything is nothing more than common sense coupled with a spell-checker program and a little imagination, plus, the 3 Rules I am about to share with you. First, though, let me tell you that a high school dropout learned how to write by copying former CBS News Anchor, Walter Cronkite and by using his local newspaper. All he did was apply the 3 rules.

I know you want to know the rules right now, right? First, these are not my rules. These are rules known by all good writers. I didn't invent them. They were taught to me and I simply use them every day.

Here they are:

Rule #1 - "Tell them what you are going to tell them". This, of course, is your headline like my headline - "The 3 Top Rules for Easy Writing".

Rule #2 - "Tell them". I am already doing that, right? I started with the first sentence at the beginning of this article and I am telling you right now!

Rule #3 - "Tell them what you told them". This is the summary, a sentence or sentences that bring the whole point of the article into focus to give you something to remember. That comes at the end.

What about the high school dropout?

He simply took a cheap tape recorder, recorded Mr. Cronkite's newscast every evening, played it back and typed exactly what Mr. Cronkite said. He studied it to see how the three rules applied. He did this over and over and over until he could write his own version of the story. When he felt confident he showed his work to his wife and best friends for critique. He even recorded himself saying the stories into that little recorder, over and over and over. His dream, you see, was to be a radio newsman.

Our high school dropout also took the daily newspaper and re-wrote lots and lots of stories, reorganizing the facts, creating his own catchy headlines. Most important? He applied the "The 3 Top Rules for Easy Writing" to every article. When he had articles he had some confidence in, he showed them to his wife and best friends for critique. He followed the 3 Rules for several months, working on his writing after getting home from his regular factory job in the evenings. He did this for hours and hours and hours. Practice, practice, practice!

So, where did all this hard work get him? You will be amazed.

Our high school dropout landed a part time job on Sunday mornings as a on-air newsman at a local radio station! His writing and a passable radio voice got him that job. His fellow factory workers laughed at him. Made jokes. "You? C'mon, get real!". But, did he quit there? No! He kept working on his writing and voice delivery. Hours and hours and hours!

Within 3 months he was full time on the graveyard shift. He quit the factory job. About 3 months later he was on days, Monday through Friday, in prime afternoon drive-time! Within 2 years he was a local TV News Anchorman! Two years later he was Anchorman and News Director!

Now, I must point out another key factor in his success. Many professional broadcasters and writers helped him grow along the way. He was never afraid to ask for help on how to improve his writing and delivery on-air. Pride never got in his way. The pro's were more than willing to offer advice and valuable tips! It was better than a college education.

Now, you may be thinking, "Jim made this guy up. This story can't be true".

Well, friend, that high school dropout is me! My broadcast news career spanned more than 15 years. I won several national, state, and local news awards. Want proof? On my Front Page blog, you can see a photo of me posing with Walter Cronkite in a promotional session for my news program. I also have promotional photos with Dan Rather, Diane Sawyer, many other famous people. I have interviewed every type of news maker from Presidents to killers and have rubbed elbows with the rich and famous.

Am I bragging? Maybe. But, the point is, the "The 3 Top Rules for Easy Writing" plus determination and practice helped me to become a successful writer and news reporter. They can help you, too! You can find many free and paid sources on line that will act as your mentors, providing you with tips and critique.

I have given you the starting point with "The 3 Top Rules for Easy Writing." The rest is up to you.

By the way, in case you have not guessed, the last couple of lines of this article is the "Tell them what you told them" rule!

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